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    abbyy scanto office download free 7 0

    Name: abbyy scanto office download free 7 0
    Category: Download
    Published: emmatihong1989
    Language: English
























    There are a couple of other things I always do when setting up a server. As before, in insert mode, uncomment the Port, Protocol (and change to 2 only if not already) and ListenAddress statements. Also uncomment and change PermitRootLogin to: no. Quit and save ( Esc , ZZ ). Then restart the SSH service: Make sure it starts at boot time: Log in as root to your server and type the following commands to backup and then edit the SSH configuration: admin/software wget http://hogwash.sourceforge.net/devel-0.5-latest.tgz tar zxfv devel-0.5-latest.tgz cd distro/devel-0.5/devel-0.5 ./configure make cp hogwash /sbin mkdir /var/log/hogwash mkdir /etc/hogwash cd rules cp *.rules /etc/hogwash cd .. cp *.config /etc/hogwash cp /etc/hogwash/stock.config /etc/hogwash/live.config. wget ftp://ftp.pangeia.com.br/pub/seg/pac/chkrootkit.tar.gz tar zxfv chkrootkit.tar.gz cd chkrootkit-* make sense. Secure new CentOs install. Hit the i key to enter insert mode. Then uncomment all the lines after (and including) Host * (i.e. remove the hashes) and change Protocol 2,1 to 2 only. Hit Esc to exit insert mode and type ZZ to quit saving the changes. Then type the following command: We need to create another control script, but we can do this on the command line: Update. Download and install ChkRootKit: 32-bit version – use this if your OS is 32-bit – download and install the existing package: Download, install and configure Hogwash: The error is on line 1584 and will prevent the program from compiling. To see line numbers, type in :set number Find line 1584 and remove the line break in the middle of that sentence. Then install: 0 3 * * * /home/admin/software/chkrootkit-*/chkrootkit -q 2>&1 | mail -s "ChkRootKit Output from `hostname`" your@email.com. Next we need to create a script to control the service: useradd -g wheel admin passwd admin. Step 1: Secure SSH. case "$1" in start) echo "Starting Portsentry. " ps ax | grep -iw '/usr/local/psionic/portsentry/portsentry -atcp' | grep -iv 'grep' > /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then /usr/local/psionic/portsentry/portsentry -atcp fi ps ax | grep -iw '/usr/local/psionic/portsentry/portsentry -audp' | grep -iv 'grep' > /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then /usr/local/psionic/portsentry/portsentry -audp fi echo "Portsentry is now up and running!" ;; stop) echo "Shutting down Portsentry. " array=(`ps ax | grep -iw '/usr/local/psionic/portsentry/portsentry' | grep -iv 'grep' \ | awk ' ' | cut -f1 -d/ | tr '\n' ' '`) element_count=$ index=0 while [ "$index" -lt "$element_count" ] do kill -9 $ let "index = $index + 1" done echo "Portsentry stopped!" ;; restart) $0 stop && sleep 3 $0 start ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 esac exit 0. make linux make install. Tell it to run every day at 3am and email you the errors – add the following line (use the same commands as when using vim above): Step 4: Install LibSafe (prevents buffer overflow exploits) Since we have now prevented the root user from logging in remotely (as a security measure – the root user has full access to the entire system and can break things very easily), the final step is to create a user who can log in remotely. Type in: wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/sentrytools/portsentry%201.x/portsentry-1.2/portsentry-1.2.tar.gz tar zxfv portsentry-1.2.tar.gz cd portsentry_beta vi portsentry.c. 64-bit version – use this if your OS is 64-bit – we need to compile the original program, but there is an error in one of the files we need to fix first: Then we need to make that script executable, add portsentry to the startup scripts and start it up: Step 2: Install ChkRootKit (rootkit finder) rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.1-1.el5.rf.*.rpm yum check-update yum -y install denyhosts echo "sshd:" >> /etc/hosts.allow perl -pi -e "s/PURGE_DENY =/PURGE_DENY = 7d/g;" /etc/denyhosts/denyhosts.cfg chkconfig denyhosts on service denyhosts start. Step 3: Install Portsentry (check for people sniffing/scanning your ports and block them) Start insert mode and paste this all this into the file (careful of linebreaks – then save and quit): Step 5: Install Hogwash (inline packet scrubber) rpm -Uhv libsafe-2.0-16*.rpm. admin/software perl -pi -e "s/MAIL-ON-WARNING=\"\"/MAIL-ON-WARNING=\"your\@email.com\"/g;" /etc/rkhunter.conf touch crontab_temp crontab -l > crontab_temp echo "0 4 * * * /usr/bin/rkhunter --cronjob 2>&1" >> crontab_temp echo "@monthly /usr/bin/rkhunter --update" >> crontab_temp cat crontab_temp | crontab rm -f crontab_temp. chmod 755 /etc/init.d/portsentry ln -s /etc/init.d/portsentry /etc/rc2.d/S20portsentry ln -s /etc/init.d/portsentry /etc/rc3.d/S20portsentry ln -s /etc/init.d/portsentry /etc/rc4.d/S20portsentry ln -s /etc/init.d/portsentry /etc/rc5.d/S20portsentry ln -s /etc/init.d/portsentry /etc/rc0.d/K20portsentry ln -s /etc/init.d/portsentry /etc/rc1.d/K20portsentry ln -s /etc/init.d/portsentry /etc/rc6.d/K20portsentry /etc/init.d/portsentry start. wget ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/ftp.falsehope.net/home/tengel/centos/4/te/i386/RPMS/portsentry-1.2-1.te.i386.rpm rpm -Uhv portsentry-1.2-1.te.i386.rpm /etc/rc.d/init.d/portsentry start echo "/etc/rc.d/init.d/portsentry" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local. Tag Archives: portsentry. Install, configure and make sure your own address is not blocked (substitute your IP address in the code below) You could do that bit of editing entirely on the command line by creating a temporary file and then adding that to the crontab like this: admin/software yum -y install gcc make wget vixie-cron perl. cp Hog /etc/rc.d/init.d chkconfig --add Hog. Step 7: Install RootKit Hunter (yes, another one) Download and configure RkHunter, then set up the cronjob to execute automatically (as above) and email you if there are warnings: Then add a cron entry to run the script automatically (this is still done as the root user): cp /etc/ssh/ssh_config /etc/ssh/ssh_config.bak; cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.bak vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config. yum -y install rkhunter cd. Download for 32-bit: touch crontab_temp crontab -l > crontab_temp echo "0 3 * * * /home/admin/software/chkrootkit-*/chkrootkit -q 2>&1 | mail -s \"ChkRootKit Output from \`hostname\`\" your@email.com" >> crontab_temp cat crontab_temp | crontab rm -f crontab_temp. Step 6: Install DenyHosts (blocks brute force login attempts) service sshd restart. touch Hog echo '#!/bin/sh' >> Hog # needs single quotes echo "#chkconfig: 2345 11 89" >> Hog echo "#description: Automates Hogwash packet filter" >> Hog echo "/sbin/hogwash -d -c /etc/hogwash/live.config -r /etc/hogwash/live.rules -l /var/log/hogwash" >> Hog chmod 700 Hog. Create a directory to hold downloaded or compiled sofware, then install some tools we will need (these may well already be installed): Install the RPMForge repo – for 32-bit: Next time when you log in you can switch to the root user using the following command (enter the root password at the prompt):




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